
If you are seeking to print a multipage project for your business, you will find that you have many choices to make. From size to color to binding, each decision brings you one step closer to having a final product that will represent your business in the best light. Printing a multipage project, especially booklets or reports, often requires that pages are stitched together in some fashion. At Paulson Press, we have over 40 years in bindery experience to get your pages held together beautifully.

Our bindery services allow for a polished look that gives your clients a highly professional collateral material. Each of our bindery projects leaves our shop as something we are proud of, and something that you will feel confident conveys your business vision and culture.

Bindery services can include a variety of options for your multipage product such as spiral, stitching, or stapling. Our estimation and consultation team has decades of experience working with each of our bindery options, and can guide you towards a choice that is fiscally responsible while giving your project the look you desire.

When considering bindery services, don’t skimp on materials or work with a company that sees you only as another project. Choose to go with Paulson Press – a company that gives personalized attention to each client and that has served the Chicagoland area for years – and invest in materials that will bring a polished look without breaking your bottom line. Give us a call to set up your consultation and estimate; you are only a few decisions away from a professional product that will grow your business.

Projects ideal for bindery services include:


Board of Directors Reports


Annual Reports


Marketing Booklets


Policy and Procedure Manuals


Investor Books or Reports


Employee Manuals


Product or Service Instructional Booklets

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